Studying The Yoga Sutras Mini Course

7 Day Mini Course - Understanding the Mind

The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali provides a framework for understanding the practice of Yoga allowing students of yoga to understand how to meditate, how to gain control over the mind, how to live a spiritual life and provide philosophy that stimulates the mind to consider how you life your life. The Yoga Sutras do not provide a religion but instead encourage each person to practice their own religion while providing support to deepening your spiritual connection and understanding of your religious beliefs.

This course will be presented in a way that allows you to shape your spiritual practice, how you practice your daily life within your preferred religious context. Some parts of The Yoga Sutras you may agree with or disagree with. The moments of disagreement are very important because it gives us an opportunity to explore our WHY.

The Yoga Sutras teaches the yogic philosophy, how the mind works and how to gain control of the mind.

Your Instructor

"Izzy" Elizabeth Nalley
"Izzy" Elizabeth Nalley

Izzy Nalley, Yoga Therapist with over 10 years of Yoga Experience has taught over 2000 + hours of Group Yoga and 1000 + hours of Private Yoga, Wellness Coaching and Corrective Exercise. She holds a degree in Kinesiology for UofL, multiple certifications in Sports Medicine and over 1000 instructional hours of Yoga and Yoga Therapy.
Owner of Fig Leaf Yoga & Fitness Izzy hopes to bring more accessibility to the power of Yoga, Healing and Self Awareness.

"This Free Mini Course Begins May 20th. We will be diving into Book One and the beginning lessons of The Yoga Sutras to understand the inner workings of the mind.

Each lesson includes an audio lesson and notes. Study along with The Yoga Sutras book or just learn along with me.

I look forward to sharing my studies with you!"


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